High School Transition
On graduation day from high school, most students have a plan for what will happen next. Students with different abilities have the same right to be fully prepared for their future. Abilities can help you get this plan started.

Services Available to Students 14 Years and Older
Abilities of Northwest Jersey, Inc. has provided successful support services and has assisted students with different abilities with school to work transition for more years of success.
Our Student Transition Services are available to all special needs students 14 years of age and older. They can be referred by their school district or by making a direct referral to our agency.
Individualized Services
Through our services, students are provided individualized services designed to meet their needs, strengths, preferences, and interests. Abilities’ service areas include Warren, Hunterdon, Morris, Sussex, and Somerset Counties.
Abilities is able to attend IEP meetings to get to know your student and help with a seamless entry into the adult world of services.
We can guide you through the SSI/Medicaid application process, applying for DDD and/or applying for DVRS services while also helping you to navigate the various transition and adult services we have to offer.

Pre-Employment Transition Services
Abilities is able to provide individualized Pre-employment Transition Services through the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services. These services are provided during the school day or after school hours.
We can provide services in any or all five categories for Pre-ets; Job Exploration Counseling, Counseling on Post-Secondary Educational Options, Work Based Learning Experiences, Workplace Readiness Training, and Instruction in Self Advocacy.
Keep in mind if a student is eligible for these services the trainings are free to the school district.

STAR Program
Our STAR program is offered at Warren Community College. This program provides students a different avenue to learn the soft skills needed to get and keep a job. They explore several job-sampling opportunities while spending part of the day on the college campus with age appropriate peers and time in the community job sampling with a one-to-one certified job coach.
Schools and families are afforded the ability to have students who are transitioning into a DDD funded day program upon graduation, the opportunity to begin their transition while they are in school.
We are able to allow high school students to come to an Abilities day program as they begin the transition into the adult world of services.

Project SEARCH
Project SEARCH is a program where Abilities is partnered with Sussex County Educational Services Commission, Atlantic Health Services, and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services to provide a yearlong vocational program solely at Newton Medical Center in Newton, NJ.
At Project SEARCH, students are provided with classroom instruction on soft skills and three different job-sampling rotations in various departments in the hospital with the supports of our certified skills trainer and a department mentor.
Upon completion of the program, the students will work with DVRS and Abilities to seek competitive employment.

Employment Pathways
Abilities supported employment can also assist students with exploring career opportunities and options.
Community based job sampling, job development and placement, job coaching, and long term follow along supports can be provided.
Abilities is where choice happens and your transition to success begins.

For More Information
Email [email protected] or Call (908) 689-1118