Medical Day Program

Our Medical Special Needs (MSN) program provides nursing care and day habilitation services for individuals with medically complex conditions. This includes those who have functional limitations and a need for medical services due to disability and/or age. Nursing services are available as prescribed or required. Our services are person-centered, ensuring each individual we support reaches her or his fullest potential in life.

The MSN Program

The MSN program includes, but is not limited to the following services and activities:

All activities are geared toward increasing independence. Job Club and Self-Advocacy meetings are held monthly for anyone who chooses to participate.

Nursing Care

MSN is the only program that offers a nurse on site at all times.

The program LPN(s), with supervision from the agency RN, provide individualized nursing care according to the individual’s specific medical or nursing needs.

The nurse(s) provide medication administration and management, wound care, tube-feeding and provide nursing management of those who require special diabetes care and monitoring.

Individual with medical special needs holding a ball at Abilities of Northwest Jersey Medical Day Program

Community Participation

Community-based activities include but aren’t limited to:

Man in the Abilities Medical Special Needs Day Program learning to fold laundry

Daily Living Skills

Our Medical Special Needs Program places emphasis on daily living skill training the same as all of our day programs, with adaptations as needed for each individual based on disability. Some skills regularly focused on are:

A woman learning to use electronics technology as part of the Medical Special Needs Day Program at Abilities


With the use of tablets and smart board technology, we’re able to expand experiences far beyond our local community for each individual, without limitations. Technology is used for:

For Additional Information

Contact our Outreach and Care Coordinator