Staffing Services
Struggling with staffing shortages and retention? Hire a person with a disability! At Abilities of Northwest Jersey, through our Employment Pathways division, we can assist employers in filling vacant positions or create new roles based on current need.

Pre-Screened, Qualified Job Applicants
Our job developers work directly with business owners, human resources, management, and/or other teams to evaluate their current staffing needs and how individuals with disabilities can help fill those roles.
Our Employment Pathways team can provide employers with pre-screened, qualified job applicants, on site job training and follow-along support services at no cost to your business.
This ensures long-term worker success and employer satisfaction.
Our professional staff are also available to consult with employers on complying with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and individual training needs.
Trends in Disability Employment
January 2022 National Trends in Disability Employment (nTIDE) job report issued by Kessler Foundation and the University of New Hampshire shows employment numbers for people with disabilities continue to increase and are breaking records.
“Exceeding their historic highs reached in October 2008, they [people with disabilities] appear to be taking advantage of the large number of job openings, as employers tap traditionally undervalued members of the pool of willing workers.” states John O’Neill, PHD, director of the Center for Employment and Disability Research at Kessler Foundation.

Why Hire a Person with a Disability?
- We will be there to support both the individual AND the employer throughout the process
- Increased work quality, motivation, engagement, interaction with co-workers, dependability, and attendance
- Increased retention rates
- Increased corporate culture and customer loyalty
The Process
- Connect with Employment Pathways by calling (908) 689 – 7460 or email [email protected]
- Our job developer will meet with the identified member(s) of your business to discuss employment needs.
- An individual with a disability is matched to the employer based on their goals, desires, and skills.
- Potential employees can be provided time-limited job try-out to explore opportunities within the business.
- The employer and potential candidate will meet in a formal interview with support from our Employment Pathways team.
- Our team will review to determine if your business would be qualified for the Work Opportunity Tax credit.
- Congratulations, you have a new qualified employee. Our team is here is support the individual and employer for employment success.