Hackettstown Center Newsletter – September 2022

Halloween Movies by Kevin Giordano

This month, I made a list of some the Halloween movies I suggest you search for next month!

  1. Hocus Pocus
  2. Hocus Pocus 2
  3. Just Beyond
  4. Girl VS Monster
  5. Halloween Town
  6. Halloween Town II
  7. Kalabars Revenge
  8. Halloweentown High
  9. Return to Halloween Town

German Shepherd by Florence Scribner

This month I chose to write about German Shepherd dogs.
The German Shepherd is a German breed of working dogs. They are a medium to large size. The breed was developed by Max Von Stephanitz using various traditional German herding dogs. The German Shepherd was originally bread for herding sheep. The life span of this dog is 9-13 years. I like the colors of the dogs; they are very nice looking. These dogs are popular for police work. They are able to smell for a person to help the cops find criminals. The dogs also get to ride in the police car with the cops. When a police dog rides in the car, the side of the car says K9 Unit.

Poems by Patty by Patty Keenan

Roses are Red, Violets are
blue You are special,
always in my heart. I see
stars in the sky, I dream of
love forever
Successful love
Everlasting love

Centenary Stage Company by J.N

Below I have listed the upcoming shows at Centenary Stage Company

  • -A year with frog and Toad October 14th- October 17th
  • -Parallel Exit; The artist will be with you in a moment October 13th – October 16th
  • -My Witch the Margret Hamilton Stories October 20th – October 30th
  • -Living Dead in Denmark November 3rd-November 7th.

Kim’s Cooking Corner by Kim Russo

This month I decided to write down the recipe for Whole Wheat Honey Pancakes!

Ingredients needed:

  • ½ Cup of all-purpose Flower
  • ¼ cup of whole wheat flower
  • ¼ cup of toasted wheat germ
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup low fat milk
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • Nonstick cooking spray


  • Mix the ingredients together using a whisk
  • Using a 1 cup measuring cup, scoop out the batter and place onto griddle.
  • Flip twice
  • The mixture makes twelve 3-inch pancakes!

Baseball by Brian Bartow

I wrote down 10 facts about baseball

  1. Babe Ruth was the pitcher for The Boston Red Sox in 1915.
  2. In 1845, a group of gentlemen Founded the knickerbocker Baseball Club.
  3. In Chicago, there was a women’s Softball team as early as 1895.
  4. By 1924 there were softball clubs In 161 cities with over 74,000 players.
  5. CY Young amazed everyone by earning 511 carrier victories.
  6. Ty Cobb stole 96 bases in 1915.
  7. The reserve Clause stated once a player Signed for a team, they had to stay with That team for the rest of their career.
  8. The owners of the American League Champion Boston Pilgrims (later Red Sox) And the National League champion Pittsburg Pirates, agreed in 1903 to hold A world series.
  9. In 1921 an investigation took place called The black sox scandal. A jury acquitted the Players and the jurors carried the players On their shoulders to celebrate.
  10. Specialized Magazines were created Specifically designed for sports.