Mary Apgar Center Newsletter – December 2024

Latest news and bulletin updates by your reporter on the scene, Darren.

Wow can you believe we are at the end of another year! We have been busy in the month of December. Our very own Alyssa K. came over to take our annual Holiday photos and she did an amazing job!

This month we went out on Meals at Home 4 times! On December 10th we went to the Festival of Trees at Rossi, where we got to decorate our own tree with ornaments we made during art with Sam.

On Friday, December 13th, we celebrated Abilities 50th Anniversary with a very tasty cake!

On December 20th we had our annual Christmas dinner, and we had a special visitor! I bet you can’t guess who!? Yeap, the man himself! We also baked cookies on this day.

On December 31st a group of 10 went out to the Senior Center for lunch! Pizza from Brothers’ restaurant was served!

In the breakfast survey we learned that 141 cups of coffee/tea/hot chocolate, 54 eggs breakfasts, 42 cups of juice, 38 bowls of oatmeal, 61 pancake/waffle breakfasts, 39 had sausage or bacon, and 132 “other” items were consumed.

In this month “This or That” survey, we learned that:

  • 20 consumers would rather bake cookies and 7 would rather build a Gingerbread House
  • 15 consumers would rather colored lights and 6 white lights
  • 10 consumers prefer ham and 14 prefer turkey
  • 7 would rather go caroling and 15 would rather go sledding.

This is Darren, your reporter on the scene. Until next month, I hope you all have a great January and a Happy New Year!  

See you in 2025!