Mary Apgar Center Newsletter – July 2024

Latest news and bulletin updates by your reporter on the scene, Darren.

July was an exciting month for us here at Mary Apgar! Eagle Scout Eathan finished rebuilding our greenhouse! Ethan did such a wonderful job, and our greenhouse looks beautiful.

On July 15th we did a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and thanked Ethan for all his hard work! Our greenhouse made it on to WFMZ!

Update on our vegetable plants: We have an Heirloom tomato growing! Darren continues to make sure the plants are watered and checked daily. He now reminds us to make sure the flowers in our greenhouse are watered as well.

This month there were trips out on Meals on Wheels, the Library and the Senior Center.

In Art with Sam we made silhouette art with cut out sea creatures. This was a fun activity and turned out really neat!

In this month’s “This or That” conducted by our reporter Darren, we found out that:

  • 13 consumers would rather go to the beach and 10 would rather the lake
  • 15 consumers like watermelon and 11 like pineapple
  • 7 like Friday better and 12 like Saturday’s
  • 13 consumers would rather sleep in late and 8 stay up late
  • 3 would rather surf and 9 snorkel
  • 9 consumers would rather drink ice-cold soda and 4 would rather have fresh squeezed lemonade.

Based on our breakfast survey, we learned that 128 cups of coffee, 31 eggs, 64 cups of juice, 75 bowls of oatmeal, 38 waffles/pancakes, 29 servings of bacon, and 177 “other” items were consumed this month!

This is Darren, your reporter on the scene. Until next month, hope you all have a great August!